Need To Introduce Or Supplant Your Level Material? |

 We are a completely authorized and guaranteed private/business level material organization in the business material Ottawa/Gatineau territory. Wolfenburg material has more than 25 years of industry experience, remembering aptitude for level rooftop substitution, rooftop over, level rooftop upkeep, rooftop assessment, green rooftop establishment and rooftop fixes for private, business and modern undertakings. We offer so many rooftop administrations in business level rooftop fix like - 

Ethylene-propylene-diene-monomer (EPDM) is a solitary employ sheet layer utilized for rooftop waterproofing by solid material organizations in Ottawa. It very well may be utilized in an assortment of framework plans and can be completely followed, rearranged and approximately laid and ballasted. 

Thermoplastic polyolefin TPO is a thermoplastic* single-handle film utilized for rooftop waterproofing in an assortment of framework plans. It very well may be followed precisely attached or approximately laid and ballasted. 


Altered bitumen films are ordinarily utilized for rooftop waterproofing in a two-handle application. The handles of moved sheets can be reinforced by utilizing hot black-top or combined by burning the mating surfaces along with a hot fire. Cold applications should be possible by utilization of cold cement or without anyone else glue (strip stick) application. 

Protection performs two capacities in a material gathering. The conspicuous use is its job in decreasing the warming and cooling loads on the construction. 

We additionally offer the rooftop supplanting, metal copping and water-sealing and so forth 

So on the off chance that you are confronting any business level rooftop fix or private level material issues at that point visit our site and approach 613-800-9058 and email us on without burning through your significant time and cash. We are the best business material workers for hire.

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